Buying Guides

What tools will I need for my project?
Most of the tools you will need are probably already in your toolbox with the exception of a few
specialized tools. Gather the following items:
· Drop cloth
· Tape measure
· A pencil
· Putty knife or straight edge
· Sponge and bucket of clean water
· Smoothing tool (brush or plastic)
· Seam roller
· Utility knife
· Level
For pre-pasted paper
· Water tray or pre-paste activator
For non-pasted paper
· Paste
· Paste brush or roller
How do I prep my walls for wallpaper?
Wallpaper hangs best when walls are clean of debris and the surface is smooth. It is important to
take the time to remove old wallpaper, fill in any cracks, and repair imperfections in the walls
surface. This will help the wallpaper to lay flat and avoid potential problems with the paper
adhering to the wall. If it is a painted wall, you will need to smooth out the walls with sandpaper.
Once all repairs have been made and your walls are smooth, you will want to clean them up.
Use a sponge and a little soap to remove dirt and grease. Rinse the wall with clean water and
allow the wall to dry before proceeding. When walls are clean and smooth you are ready for
the next step which depending on your project may include sizing, priming, or installing lining
What is the difference between priming and “sizing” and which one should I do?
Primer is a protectant/sealer that prevents the paste from being absorbed into a wall and allows
it to grip to slick surfaces. It is highly recommended that you prime a wall before hanging
wallpaper because it creates an even surface for the wallpaper to adhere to as well as makes
the wallpaper removal process much easier should you ever decide to update the wallpaper.
“Sizing” a wall is thin coat of paste applied to a wall to create additional grip and make it easier
to slide each strip of paper onto the wall. “Sizing” is often recommended for porous, repaired, or