
2003 Top Dry Service School
11. DIP Switch Settings (Turn on Switches named and leave all others off)
Top Dry Master
Stand Alone - No Remote Display 6 ON
With Remote Display 6 & 7 ON
Top Dry Master with Slave
With or Without Remote Display 6 & 8 ON Slave 2 and 6 ON
Top Dry Master with 2 Slaves
With or Without Remote Display 6,7 & 8 ON First Slave 2 & 6 ON Second Slave 1,2 &6 ON
Top Dry Remote Display
1 & 6 ON
Temperature Sensor Testing
A. You can find charts with the Resistance readings at various Temperatures in the following manuals
Located in
Resource 2002 CD
in the “
Resources – Manuals
” Folder
PNEG-630 Portable Dryer – Trouble Shooting Feb 1999.pdf
Page 54
(Portable Dryers | Trouble Shooting – Operating Tips)
PNEG-377 Fan & Heater – Service Manual Feb 2000.pdf
Page 50
(Fans and Heaters | Trouble Shooting Guide)
The Batch Top Dry’s use the Thermister type sensors, the bolt style for the Plenum and the Grain Temperature.
You have to disconnect the wires before testing. Check the charts listed above for readings at other temperatures.