Full Product Manual

GrandPrix Two-Post Lifts 27 P/N 5900209Rev. D3 Feb. 2020
The following drawing is a side view of how the Long Cables get routed over the sheaves on the
Offside end of the Top Trough.
7. Once the Button End is in place, route each Long Cable like this:
Under the bottom of the Cylinder side sheave and then over the top of it.
Over the top of the Offside end sheave and then under the bottom of it.
Past the Cylinder side sheave (without touching it), towards the two-groove sheave on the
Powerside end.
Over the two-groove sheave on the Powerside end and then down into the appropriate hole in
the bottom of the Top Trough.
The following drawing is a side view of how the Long Cables get routed over the two-groove
sheave and down into the hole on the Powerside end of the Top Trough.
Make sure the all cables sit in the grooves and not on either edge of the sheave assembly.