Full Product Manual

GrandPrix Two-Post Lifts 39 P/N 5900209Rev. D3 Feb. 2020
About Fluid Contamination
Hydraulic Fluid Contamination poses a serious issue for your Lift
; contaminants such as
water, dirt, thread seal tape, and other debris can get into the Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings on the Lift,
making your new Lift inoperable.
Your Lift is shipped with clean components; however, BendPak strongly recommends that you take
secondary precautions and clean all Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings prior to making connections. It is
better and less costly to take these extra steps now so that you do not need to take your Lift out of
service later to fix issues that could have been prevented.
There are several ways to clean Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings:
Compressed Air. Use an air compressor to blow out contaminants from each Hydraulic Hose
and Fitting prior to installation. Clean, dry air is preferred. Wear ANSI-approved eye protection
(safety glasses, goggles, or face shield) when using compressed air for cleaning. Never point an air
hose nozzle at any part of your body or at a person.
Fluid Flushing. As long as the Hydraulic Fluid is clean and compatible with the system fluid, you
can flush Hoses and Fittings to create turbulent flow and remove particulates. Always ensure that
the fluid itself is contaminant-free.
Some additional steps that will help keep the Hydraulic Fluid clean:
Remove old thread seal tape. Some ports on the Hydraulic Cylinders are shipped with
temporary plugs secured with thread seal tape, so make sure to thoroughly remove any leftover
thread seal tape; otherwise, it could get into the Hydraulic System.
Use a liquid thread sealant only. Liquid thread sealant (Loctite™ 5452 or similar) is
Do not use thread seal tape on any fitting
. Liquid thread sealant is
recommended for NPT threads, fine for JIC threads, but not necessary for O-ring (ORB) threads.
Always use clean equipment. If you use a dirty bucket or funnel to transfer Fluid into the
Reservoir, the contaminants will get into the Fluid. When using cleaning rags, use a lint-free rag.
Proper storage. Keep the Hydraulic Fluid sealed in its container until ready for use; store the
Fluid in a clean, dry, and cool area.
Cover the Hoses and Fittings. Before installation, do not leave the ends of the Fittings
exposed; the same applies for the Hydraulic Hoses. Keep the Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings capped
and in a clean area until ready for use.
Filter the new Hydraulic Fluid. Just because it is new does not necessarily mean it is clean.
Use an offline filtration cart or kidney loop system to make sure the Hydraulic Fluid is clean before
being transferred into the Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir (even using a heavy duty nylon mesh screen is
better than trusting what is left at the bottom of the barrel).
Avoid mixing different types of Hydraulic Fluid. If Hydraulic Fluid needs to be replaced,
make sure to flush the Hydraulic System of the old Hydraulic Fluid before you add the replacement
Fluid; do not mix the two together.