User's Manual

GSC36XX Series User Manual
P a g e | 29
A. “Challenge+Response” MJPEG Authentication Mode:
In order to get live view stream using MJPEG stream over HTTP command on this mode, please fellow
below steps:
1. In browser type in http(s)://IP_Address_GSC36XX:Port/jpeg/mjpeg.html
2. The browser will pop up the window above asking for credentials, user needs to enter admin
3. The browser will show MJPEG stream (720p).
B. “Basic” MJPEG Authentication Mode:
Please follow below steps in order to take a snapshot via HTTP commands:
1. In browser type in: http(s)://admin:password@IP_Address_GSC:Port/jpeg/mjpeg.html
Example: https://admin:admin@
2. The browser will show MJPEG stream (720p).
Note: Similar command can be applied to open source application like VLC MediaPlayer to retrieve H.264
video stream with better quality: rtsp://admin:password@IP_GSC36XX:Port/X
Where X=0,4 corresponded to 1
, 2
video stream
Figure 15: RTSP steam display using VLC