User's Manual

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GWN7602 User Manual
This field is available when select “Check at Hour of Day and
“Check at Day of Week” in “Automatic Upgrade”
Day of Week
Defines the day of the week to check the HTTP/TFTP server for
firmware upgrade or configuration file changes.
This field is available when select “Check at Day of Week” in
“Automatic Upgrade”
Upgrade Now
Click on button to begin the upgrade. Note that the
device will reboot after downloading the firmware.
Download Configuration
Click on button to download the device
configuration file to PC.
Upload Configuration
Click on to select a compressed config file to restore
the config; after succeeding, the device will reboot automatically.
Click on button to reboot device.
Factory Reset
Click on to restore the device and all online APs to
factory default settings.
The Access Web page provide configuration for admin and user password.
Table 13: Access
Current Administrator
Enter the current administrator password
New Administrator
Change the current password. This field is case sensitive with a maximum
length of 32 characters.
Confirm New
Administrator Password
Enter the new administrator password one more time to confirm.