User's Manual

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GWN7602 User Manual
New User Password
Configure the password for user-level Web GUI access. This field is case
sensitive with a maximum length of 32 characters.
Confirm New User
Enter the new User password again to confirm.
The syslog Web page provides configuration settings for syslog.
Table 14: Syslog Parameters
Syslog Server
Enter the IP address or URL of Syslog server.
Syslog Level
Select the level of Syslog, 5 levels are available: None, Debug, Info,
Warning and Error.
Log DNS Queries
Check to log DNS Queries.
The Logserver page allows the user to configure syslog server on Master GWN76XX controllers in order
to save log messages for GWN7602 on connected external USB drive.
First connect a USB drive to the Master Access point, then configure the parameters and make sure to
start the server in order to collect messages from GWN7602 sending syslog to GWN Master.
Following table gives description for configuration parameters of GWN Logserver:
Table 15: Logserver Parameters
Logrotate File Size
Select the size of file to trigger rotation, if left empty, then the router will use
only the Logrotate frequency rules to trigger rotation.
Default is 5 M. Units can be M (Megabytes) or K (Kilobytes).
Logrotate File Count
Select the Maximum number of rotates files to keep. Default is 56 files.
Logrotate Mode
Choose the time rotation frequency mode (default every 3 hours).
Every X Minutes (0-59).
Every X hour (0-23)
X hour of day (0-23).
X day of week (Sunday-Saturday) + X hour of day (0-23).
Enter the number of hours period after which trigger file rotation.