resource for the homeowner, and can do a lot of other things to your house which may be
prerequisite to solar installation. Of course we provide recommendations and introductions.
· What can solar energy power?
o Entire house?
o Low voltage landscape lighting?
o Electric car?
o Battery charger?
The only limitations of what solar energy can power are imposed by your method
of storage. Batteries or the grid are the work-horses of your system, and they
deliver large amounts of power for short or extended periods of time. Batteries are
expensive with finite storage capacity - the grid is a widely available resource that
can deliver huge amounts of power, is comparatively cheap to use, and doesn't
need replacement. Solar panels produce small amounts of electricity over
extended periods of time. While this may work for some low voltage landscape
lighting fixtures, an entire home has different electricity requirements than what a
solar array can deliver. This is why having a properly sized battery bank or the
grid is very important, because they help determine what you can power or offset.
· Should I go 100% solar or should my strategy be a mix of grid + solar?
For most people, this question can be answered by individual space and cost constraints, and
whether they have access to a grid connection. If you are able to connect to a utility, a grid-tied
system is your best bet because you can offset your usage, keep maintenance at a minimum, and
enjoy a 7-12 year investment payback potential, depending on local incentives and rebates. If
you do not live within range of a utility, or like to live on the road, then going 100% solar with
Off-Grid systems might be better for you.
· What are good brands for solar panels, storage devices, etc?
Grape Solar is one of the best companies selling panels and related equipment. We have
excellent products with the best warranty in the business, unparalleled customer support, and are
wholly committed to ethical business practices. Since we manufacture our own panels, you get a
direct sales advantage with no middlemen. We are also developing a Grape Solar brand lithium
ion battery using cutting edge lithium iron phosphate technology. You can expect to see our
batteries in 2017.
· How long does it take to be up and running?
This depends on the complexity of the system, but we will get your custom system equipment
quote to you in 3-5 business days. We can ship most residential systems within 10 days if we