have all of your components in stock, but this can be up to 14 days if there are special-order
components required. Installation times vary according to installer schedules and complexity of
your job. Although the physical installation only takes a few days, the permitting and utility
interconnect process can take up to 120 days.
· If the power goes out, will my solar back-up be enough to power my home?
That really depends on the level of coverage you have chosen for your level of energy
consumption, and whether you have a backup battery. A backup battery will generally be able to
supply your home with enough power to run lights, chargers, and emergency equipment, but
really not enough to run electric stoves, air-conditioners, ground-water pumps, heaters, or large
appliances. Grid-Tied systems rely on the grid, so they cannot supply you with power in the case
of an outage.
· Where should I install solar panels?
o Rooftop?
o Ground?
o Barn?
o ??
Somewhere they won't be shaded during any time of day is best, and quite a few
options are available. If you have a large available land area, ground-mount
systems are very cost-effective. Roof mounted systems work great for most
people, because they don’t take up any ground space and look great on your roof.
Depending on the size of your roof, you may or may not be able to offset all of
your electricity usage. Pole mounts are also available, but are better suited for
small installations.
· How long will it take for them to pay for themselves?
Since Grape Solar operates on a nationwide basis, we recommend for our locally partnered
installers to provide the most accurate answer with consideration of local utility prices and net
metering contracts. There are varying methods employed to calculate your return on investment
such as a simple payback analysis or internal rates of return. Varying tax incentives and rebates
are also available, which may offset your costs up to 30% in some states.
· What is the lifetime of the product/how often do I need to replace them?
Because they do not have moving parts, solar panels have very long life spans. We warranty our
panels to produce 90% their rated output for 10 years, and 80% of their rated output for 25
years. Inverters and racking typically have a 10 year warranty.