User's Manual

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Flight phase specific settings
It is possible to use a channel to control the factor value by setting
up flight phase specific transmitter control settings, but only with
some transmitters; please see the instructions supplied with your
transmitter and refer to the “Transmitter control settings” and “Flight
phase settings”.
Programming the axes sensitivity
Programming through transmitter with proportional controls
If your HoTT transmitter is equipped with proportional controls, it is
also possible to adjust the value for each axis during a flight: what
you might call ‘flying the settings’. You need to assign proportional
controls to any channel in the range 5 to 16 (in this example channel
9); now you can alter the value using these controls. The current
value is shown in brackets.
Procedure, using the ailerons as an example: step by step:
1. Move the cursor to the appropriate line, in this case “Ail” for aile-
2. Press the SET button to activate the "Channel" field.
3. Select the appropriate channel and save the setting with press-
ing the SET button again
4. Move the related proportional control to change the value (range
between 0 and 10, where 0 means no gyro correction for the
related axe).
5. This value can also be changed by pushing the left or the right
button. This frees up the channel previously occupied by the pro-
portional control, So that it can be used for some other purpose,
e.g. for elevator or rudder.
6. Move on to elevator and / or rudder, and select the channel and
value (you can either select the same channel, in order to alter
all the axes simultaneously, or different channels, allowing you
to program the axes individually).
7. Now test-fly your model and fine-tune the values one by one
until your preferred stabilising effect is achieved without the
model oscillating.
8. It may be sensible or easier to activate the gyro for one axis only
at first, and then to establish the optimum setting for that axis,
rather than for several axes simultaneously.
Programming by transmitter without proportional controls
1. Select by mode "0"; this function is only possible in case of trans-
mitters with proportional controls.
2. Move the cursor to the appropriate line, in this case “Ail” for aile-
3. Press the SET button to activate the input field. Select the appro-
priate value (1-10 or OFF) and save the setting with pressing the
SET button again.
>Aileron: (2)C9
>Elevator: (3)K8
Rudder : 6
Factor : (44%)C10
>Aileron: 2
>Elevator: 4
Rudder : 6
Factor : Off