User's Manual

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Swp frequency
Swp frequency: frequency for the swashplate servos
50-200, default setting: 200 Hz
Warning: Analogue servos may only be operated at 50 Hz. If they are
not, the servos will be destroyed. Many digital servos can be oper-
ated at a higher frequency. (Use at your own risk). This allows the
model to be controlled more quickly. With HBS servos, we recom-
mend setting the frequency to 200 Hz.
Swp direction
0-3, default setting: 0
Here, a fixed servo-combination of the Swp servos is selected, in
which the Swp does not tip during "pitching". (pitch direction is set
under C1 in the transmitter's servo menu with servo reverse, if
Now check the direction of rotation of the swash plate for pitch, roll
and nick. If one of the control functions is reversed, the servo rever-
sal must be performed as follows in the transmitter's servo settings:
Reverse for pitch = C1, for roll = C2 and for nick = C3.
Elev trim, Aile trim and Collective trim
-100 - +100, default setting: 0
The swashplate must be aligned as far as possible at right angles to
the main rotor axis and with 0° pitch. By activating one of these 3
values, the gyro control switches off and the servos move into their
neutral position. After that, the swash plate can be aligned optimally
with Elev trim, Aile trim and Collective trim. A perfect setting is
achieved when the rotor plane does not move in flight when the
pirouettes are performed.
Swp cyclic travel 8
50-125, default setting: +80
Set the Swp cyclic travel 8° if the menu value is activated so that the
rotor blade located above the tail tube is as accurate as 8° by full roll-
over stroke. To do this, the field must be selected (highlighted field)
so that the swashplate can be controlled and adjusted in direct mode
when gyro gain is switched off. This is the only mode in which the
travel can be set correctly.
It is very important that the travel is set correctly. It plays a major role
in terms of acquiring the correct gyro gain.