User manual

Program description - Free mixers
* N.N. = Nomen Nominandum (der zu nennende Name)
L.Mix 1
6 EL
Mix input
… the offset value can be set manually or adjust-
ed in 1 % increments with the selection keys on
the left or right four-way button.
By selecting SET
L.Mix 1
6 EL
Mix input
… set the mixer’s neutral point automatically back
to control center with a simultaneous tap on both
the  or  selection keys of the right four-way
button (CLEAR).
Symmetrical mixer ratios
The next task is to define the mixer values above and
below the mixer neutral point starting from its current
If necessary, use selection keys  on the left or
right four-way button to select the SYM field in order
to establish a mixer value which is symmetric to the
offset point just set. Following a brief tap on the cent-
er SET key of the right four-way button, set both SYM
fields (now in inverse video) via the selection keys of
the right four-way button to values between -150 %
and +150 %. Note that the mixer value set always
refers to the input signal of the respective transmitter
control (control signal)! Negative mixer values reverse
the direction of the mixer.
A simultaneous tap on the  or  selection keys
of the right four-way button (CLEAR) will erase the
mixer ratio in the inverse video field.
The “optimum” value in our example will certainly
need flight-testing.
L.Mix 1
6 EL
Mix input
Earlier, we set the mixer neutral point at -75 % of con-
trol travel: as a result, the elevator (“EL”) will exhibit a
(slight) down-elevator effect even at the neutral point
of the landing flaps and this is naturally undesirable.
Accordingly, you should reposition the mixer neutral
point to -100 % of control travel, as described earlier:
L.Mix 1
6 EL
Mix input
If the offset, now -100 %, is reset to 0 % of control
travel by using selection key on the left or right
four-way button to select the SET field then tapping
either the selection key combination  or  on
the right four-way button (CLEAR), the following
screen will appear:
L.Mix 1
6 EL
Mix input
Asymmetric mixer ratios
In many cases, however, we require different mixer
values on each side of the mixer neutral point.
Do this by first resetting the offset of the mixer used
in the example, “6 EL again to 0 %, if necessary,
refer to the figure above. Now select the ASY field
with the selection key on the left or right four-way
button then tap the center SET key of the right four-
way button. If slider control Sl1, assigned to input 6
in this example, is now moved in each corresponding
direction, the mixer ratios for each of the two control
directions, i. e. left and right of the established offset
point, can be adjusted with the selection keys of the
right four-way button:
L.Mix 1
6 EL
Mix input
If you are using a type “S N.N.*” switch channel
mixer you will need to actuate the assigned switch.
The vertical line then jumps between the left and
right side.
Setting curve mixers C9 … 12
These four curve mixers allow the definition of ex-
tremely non-linear mixer curves by placing up to
four freely positionable points between the two end-
points “L” (low = -100 % control travel) and “H” (high =
+100 % control travel) along the control travel.
If you have already read the »Channel 1 curve«
menu description or about programming 6-point
curves in the »Helicopter mixers« menu, you can
safely skip the following description.