User manual

223Program description - Teacher/pupil
The switch assignment just described also deter-
mines the transmitter used to issue the teacher and
pupil functions, respectively. For this reason, a pupil
transmitter must NEVER be assigned a switch on
this menu. The header line therefore also switches
from “Teacher / Pupil” to “Teacher / Teacher” once
a switch has been assigned.
The model to be controlled by the pupil must be
programmed completely i. e. with all its functions
including trims and any mixer functions in one of the
model memories of the
mc-16 HoTT or mc-20
HoTT teacher transmitter. The HoTT receiver of the
model in question must also be “bound” to the teacher
transmitter, since the latter ultimately controls the
model, even in pupil mode.
RF module will not be activated.
mc-16 HoTT or mc-20 HoTT teacher trans-
mitter can be connected to any suitable pupil trans-
mitter, even transmitters using the “traditional” 35/40
MHz range. This means, for example, that a mc-16
HoTT or mc-20 HoTT teacher transmitter can in-
deed also be connected to a mc-24 pupil transmitter.
However, if the pupil-side connection is NOT made
via a two-pole DSC socket but rather via a three-pole
trainer socket (for example, out of the Graupner prod-
uct line), then the basic prerequisite for a correct
connection to a pupil transmitter which is com-
pletely independent of the type of modulation
used in the teacher transmitter must ALWAYS be
set to modulation type PPM (10, 16, 18 or 24) in
the pupil transmitter.
Pupil transmitter set-up
The model to be controlled by the pupil must be pro-
grammed completely, i. e. with all its functions includ-
ing trims and any mixer functions, in one of the model
memories of the teacher transmitter and, if applicable,
the HoTT receiver of the model in question must also
be “bound” to the teacher transmitter. In principle,
mc-16 HoTT or mc-20 HoTT pupil transmit-
ter can also be connected to a teacher transmitter
operating on the “traditional” 35/40 MHz bands. This
is possible because the PPM signal required by the
teacher transmitter is available in the (pupil) transmit-
ter’s DSC socket.
Almost any transmitter with at least four control func-
tions from previous and current Graupner series can
be used as a pupil transmitter. More detailed informa-
tion can be found in the RC main catalogue and on
the website.
If required, the pupil transmitter should be fitted with
the connection module for pupil transmitters. This is to
be connected to the transmitter board in accordance
with the supplied installation instructions.
Information on the pupil modules required in each
case can be found in the Graupner RC main catalog
and on the website.
The connection to the teacher transmitter is made
using the appropriate lead; see the following dou-
ble page.
The control functions of the pupil transmitter
MUST act directly on the control channels, i. e. the
receiver outputs, without intermediary mixers.
If you are using an mc” or “mx series transmitter,
it is best to activate a free model memory with the
required model type (“Fixed-wing” or “Heli”). Assign
the model name “Pupil” and set up the stick mode
(mode 1 … 4) and “Throttle min. forward/back” to suit
the pupil’s preferences. All other settings are left at
their default values, however. If you have selected the
“Helicopter” model type, you must also set the throt-
tle/ collective pitch direction and idle trim on the pupil
transmitter. All other settings, including mixer and
coupling functions, are configured exclusively on the
teacher transmitter, which in turn transmits them to
the model.
If the pupil transmitter is a mx-20 HoTT,
HoTT, mc-20 HoTT or mc-32 HoTT series
model then it may also be necessary to adapt the
type of modulation in the “DSC output” line of the
»Base setup model« menu in order to accommodate
the number of control channels to be transmitted.
For example, the signal packet for modulation type
“PPM10” contains only control channels 1 … 5 but
not channel 6 and upper. However, if this channel is
to be used by the pupil then a modulation type must
be selected in which it is included. A further point is
that “HoTT” must be entered in the “Module” line of
the »Base setup model« menu if you wish to set up
one of the transmitters in Pupil mode, but using an
existing model memory rather than a newly initialised
memory. If you neglect this it is possible that the PPM
signal present at the DSC socket will be inverted.
For transmitters of – older – type “D and “FM it is nec-
essary to check servo operating directions and their
control correlations. It may be necessary to reconnect
cables appropriately. All mixers must also be switched
off or set to “zero”.
When assigning control functions, the usual conven-
tions must be observed:
Channel Function
1 Motor throttle/collective pitch
2 Aileron/roll
3 Elevator/pitch-axis
4 Rudder/tail rotor
If other control functions are to be transferred to the
pupil transmitter in addition to the functions of the two
dual axis sticks (1 … 4), access the »Control adjust«
menu in the pupil transmitter and assign those inputs
which correspond to enabled function inputs 5 …
max. 12 as shown in the »Teacher/pupil« menu of