User manual

Program description - Basic settings
inverse video field back to “0”.
Display light
This line determines how long the transmitter dis-
play’s backlight illumination is to remain on after
switching the transmitter on or after the last activation
of a transmitter operating element.
Available options are “unlim(ited)”, “30 s”, “60 s”,
“120 s” and “off”.
A simultaneous tap on the  or  selection keys
of the right four-way button (CLEAR) will reset the
inverse video field to “unlimited”.
Power on/off beep
A power on/off beep for the transmitter can be
switched on (“yes”) and off (“no”) in this line.
A simultaneous tap on the  or  selection keys
of the right four-way button (CLEAR) will switch this
option shown in inverse video back to “yes”.
Battery type
Basic settings
Bottom LCD Contr.
Battery type
Display light unlim.
Power-on beep yes
This line specifies whether transmitter power is pro-
vided by a four-cell NiMH battery or a single-cell LiPo
battery. As a consequence of this setting, the next
line will offer a suitable voltage range for the “Battery
warning” threshold.
A simultaneous tap on the  or  selection keys
of the right four-way button (CLEAR) will switch this
option shown in inverse video back to “Lith.”.
Battery warning (threshold)
Basic settings
Battery type
Display light unlim.
Power-on beep yes
Battery warning
You can arbitrarily specify the warning threshold for
the display …
Batt. must
be re-
contingent on the battery type selection in the
line above in increments of 0.01 volt between 4.50
and 5.50 V (NimH battery) or 3.40 and 4.20 V (LiIo/
LiPo battery). Make sure that you do not enter a value
which is too low, so that you still have sufficient time
to safely land your model in the event of a battery
A simultaneous tap on the  or  selection keys
of the right four-way button (CLEAR) will switch the
field shown in inverse video back to its factory setting,
4.70 V (NiMh) or 3.60 V (Lith.).
Power on warning
Basic settings
Battery type
Power-on beep
Battery warning
Power on warn.
In this line you can determine how long the transmit-
ter should wait after the last actuation of an operating
element until the activation of an optical and acoustic
power-on warning …
Power on warning
is active!
… before the transmitter switches off automatically
one minute later.
The values “unlim(ited)”, “30 s” and 1, 5, 10, 20, 30
and 60 minutes are optional selections.
A simultaneous tap on the  or  selection keys
of the right four-way button (CLEAR) will reset the
inverse video field to “unlimited”.
Touch Sense
Basic settings
Battery type
Battery warning
Power on warn.
Touch Sense
In this line you can select the touch sensitivity of the
four-way buttons in a range from 1 to 10. The lower
this number is, the more sensitive the four-way button
will be to taps and vice versa.
A simultaneous tap on the  or  selection keys
of the right four-way button (CLEAR) will reset the
field shown in inverse video back to “2”.
Basic settings
Battery warning
Power on warn.
Touch Sense
The region is needed for compliance with various
regulations (FCC, ETSI, IC etc.). In France, for exam-
ple, the operation of a remote control is only permit-
ted within a limited frequency band. Therefore, region