User manual

Programming examples - Winged models
Initial steps for the programming of a new model
Example: Winged model with two ailerons and initially without motor propulsion
In the context of initial commissioning a new trans-
mitter, in the selection menu …
»Basic settings« (beginning on page 268)
Battery type
Battery warning
Touch Sense
Top LCD Contrast
Display light
Basic settings
Vario Vol
Beeps Vol
Power-on beep
Power on warn.
BT Headset
BT Volume
Voice Vol –––5
Stick mode 1
Modulation HoTT
DSC Output
Pitch min back
Bottom LCD Contr.
… some basic information should be entered. This
serves various purposes:
The first three lines of this menu can be used to
individually regulate, in increments between 0 and
10, the volume of voice and signal output emitted via
the built-in loudspeakers or the transmitter’s headset
The fourth line of this menu is used to record the
transmitter owner’s name and the lines Stick mode”,
Modulation”, “DSC Output and “Pitch min are for
the storage of pre-set values used as defaults for new
models. These are then adopted on the activation of
a new model memory in its basic settings, but can be
changed there at any time.
The “LCD Contrast or “Top / Bottom LCD Con-
trast lines can be used to adapt the contrast of
respective displays to ambient light conditions as
necessary by changing the standard pre-set “0” in a
range of ±20.
The setting in the Display light line determines
how long display lighting remains illuminated after the
transmitter is switched on or after the last activation of
a transmitter operating element.
The selection of “yes/no” in the “Power-on beep
line determines whether the “recognition melody” is
to sound when the transmitter is switched off or on
The “Battery type line indicates to the transmit-
ter whether its power comes from a four-cell NiMH
battery or a single-cell Lith battery and the “Battery
warning line can be used to individually set the
threshold for the battery warning. Make sure that you
do not enter a value which is too low, so that you still
have sufficient time to safely land your model in the
event of a battery warning.
If necessary, the “Power on warning line can be
used to determine how long the transmitter should
wait after the last activation of an operating element
before issuing a visual and acoustic stick warning,
followed about three minutes later by the transmitter
switching itself off.
On the other hand, the setting made in the Touch
Sense line is merely a personal comfort setting. The
lower this number is, the more sensitive the four-way
button will be to taps and vice versa.
In contrast, the setting in the Region line is anything
but a matter of taste and is determined by statutory
regulations: Therefore, when in France, only com-
mission the transmitter with the “France” setting.
However, please observe the note on page 273 on
this subject.
In contrast, the “BT Headset” menu point, and the
lines which follow it, are only relevant if you have
installed the optional Bluetooth module, Order No.
33002.5, in your transmitter, and have initialised it as
described on page 37. For more information on this
please refer to the instructions supplied in the set.
This menu can be exited after completing “general
settings” with a return to the multi-function menu by
way of the center ESC key of the left four-way button.
To program a new model, now use the selection keys
of the left or right four-way button to switch to the
menu …
„Model select“ (page 79)
…, and use the selection keys of the left or right four-
way button to select a free model memory location:
Stick mode
Base setup model
DSC Output PPM10
Right after a tap on the center SET key of the right
four-way button to confirm this selection, the type of
model to be programmed will be requested:
Select model type
Since the objective is to work with a winged model
in this section, the symbol for a winged model is to
be confirmed with a tap on the center SET key of the
right four-way button. The display switches back to the
base screen.
Of course, you can also use the predefined default