User manual

Receiver firmware updates
Receiver firmware updates for the GR-16 and GR-24
receivers, which are supplied as standard in the RC
sets, are carried out using the side-mounted Telem-
etry socket marked “- + T” and a PC or laptop running
Windows XP, Vista or 7. You will also require the USB
leads supplied in the mc-16 HoTT and mc-20
HoTT sets, together with the USB interface, Order
No. 7168.6, and the adapter lead, Order No. 7168.6S,
both of which are also included. The programs and
files also needed can be found in Internet on the
Graupner website at under the
downloads for the particular product. For more infor-
mation please read the section entitled “Downloading
a firmware packet” on page 48.
After registering your receiver at https://www.graup-, you will
automatically receive notification of future updates
per email.
Updating receiver firmware
Important notes:
Please note that the HoTT components in your
radio control system can only communicate
perfectly if the firmware is compatible. That is
why all the programs and files required to up-
date all HoTT components are grouped togeth-
er in one file, the current version of which is
entitled “”.
Before any update procedure, be sure to check
the charged status of the receiver’s battery. If
necessary, charge the battery before beginning
with an update.
It is essential not to disconnect the receiv-
er from the PC or laptop during an update pro-
cess! Please ensure that the lead between the
receiver and the computer is making good
contact at both ends.
Receiver firmware updates
1. Installing drivers
The driver software for the USB interface, Order
No. 7168.6, is identical to the driver software for
the interface installed in the
mc-16 HoTT and
mc-20 HoTT transmitter. This means that the
driver only needs to be installed once; the proce-
dure is described on page 50.
2. Establishing a receiver / PC connection
Connect the USB interface cable, order no.
7168.6, via the adapter cable, order no. 7168.6A,
with the “- + T” connector on the receiver, see il-
lustration. These connectors are protected against
polarity reversal so pay attention to the small
chamfers on the sides of connectors. Do not use
brute force, these connectors should latch in rath-
er easily.
Adapter lead
Order No. 7168.6S
If a central red wire is present,
cut through t
Adapter lead
Order No. 7168.6S
If a central red wire is present,
cut through it
If the older adapter cable still has wires for
all three poles, cut the red insulated wire for
the middle connector pin of the adapter cable,
Order No. 7168.6A.
Afterward, connect the USB interface with the in-
cluded USB cable (USB-A/mini-B-USB 5-pole in-
terface connector) to the PC or laptop. A red LED
on the interface board should illuminate even
though the connection is made correctly.
If not already off, now switch the receiver off.
3. Firmware update
Start the “Firmware_Upgrade_grStudio_Ver-
X.X.exe” program by double-clicking on it, exact-
ly as described for updating the transmitter soft-
ware see page 50. (At the time of revision for
this manual, this program’s current version is 2.1
and it can be started without first being installed.)
Move to the “Upgrade” folder, open the “Controller
Menu” and click on “Port Select”. (Alternatively se-
lect the “Port Select” entry under “Menu”.)