User's Manual

Detail program description - Control adjust
In each case, you should test the setting selected at
the appropriate altitude and re-adjust as required. As
you do, however, ensure that your model does not slow
down excessively with the braking system extended!
Otherwise, you run the risk that, after the braking
system is retracted, e. g. to extend a landing approach
that was too short, for example, your model pancakes or
even stalls.
Aileron differential
(Only for "2AIL 1FL". If "2AIL 2/4 FL" is selected,
included on the multi-fl ap menu, see page 157.)
Brake settings
Multi-flap menu
On this line you can set the aileron differential for the
two aileron servos.
If you are unsure about the meaning of differential
travel, please read the appropriate explanation at the
start of this section on page 148.
The adjustment range of -100% to +100% makes
it possible to set the correct direction of differential
regardless of the direction of rotation of the aileron and
ap servos.
If you tap the cd or ef keys on the right touch
pad (CLEAR) at the same time, this will reset values
changed in the active (highlighted) fi eld back to 0%.
Aileron ¼ rudder
Brake settings
FL EL 0%0%
Multi-flap menu
Here, you can set the degree to which the rudder follows
commands acting on ailerons. This is used in particular
in connection with aileron differential to suppress
adverse yaw and thus make it easier to fl y "clean"
curves. You can of course still issue separate commands
to the rudder.
The mixer direction is typically chosen to ensure that
the rudder moves in the direction of the aileron that is
defl ected upwards.
Settings are always made symmetrically relative to the
neutral point of the aileron joystick.
The adjustment range of ± 150% lets you set the
direction of defl ection as appropriate. Optionally, this
mixer can be activated and deactivated by using one of
the switches that do not reset themselves (SW 2 … 8) or
a control switch. This means you can then also control
the model using only the ailerons or rudder, as required.
If you tap the cd or ef keys on the right touch
pad (CLEAR) at the same time, this will reset values
changed in the active (highlighted) fi eld back to 0%.
A value of around 50% is generally an excellent starting
Flap ¼ elevator
Brake settings
FL EL 0%0%
Multi-flap menu
When setting camber-changing fl aps, one side-effect
can be to generate moments causing movement around
the transverse axis. Equally, however, it may also be
desirable that e. g. your aircraft model opts for a more
pacey fl ight style with the fl aps slightly raised. This mixer
can be used to achieve both results.
With this mixer, the extension of the fl aps depending on
the value confi gured automatically ensures the elevator
position follows suit. Symmetrical or asymmetrical
settings relative to the neutral point of the fl ap control
are possible.
If required, the mixer can be switched on or off by
assigning a switch in the right column.
Values can be set in the range ±150%. The "typical"
values confi gured for this mixer are single-digit or low
two-digit values.
If you tap the cd or ef keys on the right touch
pad (CLEAR) at the same time, this will reset values
changed in the active (highlighted) fi eld back to 0%.
If you have used the "Control adjust" menu to assign a
transmitter control or switch, as described under ʆ" on
page 159, then the latter will also affect this mixer.