User's Manual

Detail program description - Control adjust
Wireless HoTT system
The mc-32 HoTT trainer mode system can also be
operated wirelessly. To do so, the teacher transmitter
must be "connected" to a pupil transmitter as described
below. Prior to this, however, the training model's
receiver must be bound to the PUPIL transmitter. This
confi guration is possible between transmitters that have
the "BIND:" option available on the "Teacher/pupil"
Preparing for training mode
Teacher transmitter
The training model must be programmed completely –
i. e. with all its functions including trims and any mixer
functions – in one of the model memories of the HoTT
teacher transmitter. The model to be used for training
must therefore be under the complete control of the
teacher transmitter. The fi nal step in preparation,
however, is to bind the training model to the pupil
transmitter. For a detailed description of the bind
procedure, please consult pages 69 and 74.
Pupil transmitter
If you are using an "mc" or "mx" series transmitter,
it is best to activate a free model memory with the
required model type ("Fixed-wing" or "Heli"). Assign the
model name "Pupil" and set up the stick mode (mode
1 … 4) and "Throttle (or collective pitch) min. forward/
back" to suit the pupil's preferences. All other options are
left at their default values. All other settings, including all
mixer and coupling functions, are confi gured exclusively
on the teacher transmitter, which in turn transmits them
to the model.
When assigning control functions, the usual conventions
must be observed:
Channel Function
1 Motor throttle/collective pitch
2 Aileron/roll
3 Elevator/pitch-axis
4 Rudder/tail rotor
If you wish to transfer other control functions to the pupil
transmitter in addition to the functions of the two dual
axis sticks (1 … 4), access the "Control adjust" menu
on the pupil transmitter and assign transmitter controls to
the inputs that correspond to the control numbers 5 … 12
released on the teacher transmitter's "Teacher/pupil" menu.
If you should forget to assign a transmitter control
on the pupil side, then the affected servo or servos
will remain in the center position when the transfer
is made to the pupil transmitter.
Preparing the teacher and pupil transmitters
Once you have bound the training model to the pupil
transmitter, now switch on the teacher transmitter. On
both transmitters, use the arrow keys on the left or right
touch pad, page to the "Teacher/pupil" menu option on
the multi-function list:
Dual mixer
Tx. output swap
Basic settings
Fail-Safe adjust
Teacher / pupil
Swaschplate mixer
Tx. output swap
Basic settings
Fail-Safe adjust
Teacher / pupil
Briefl y tap the center SET key on the right touch pad to
open this menu option:
BIND:SW: –––
The screen image shown above shows the menu in its
initial state: No transmitter controls have been released
to the pupil (
) and no switch is assigned ("SW: ---"
bottom left in the screen image).
Pupil transmitter
Using the arrow keys on the left or right touch pad, move
the marker frame to the "BIND" input fi eld. If you can
see a switch to the right of "SW:", then this MUST rst
be erased, see screen image:
BIND:SW: –––