User's Manual

Detail program description - Control adjust
line "Aile.diff."
With the "Elevat curve" mixer the normally occurring
"Upward tilting" of the model on the raising of the
ailerons can be automatically suppressed. The suitable
correction values for the respective v
alue must be
tested out through fl ight. Set this mixer so that the fl ight
speed of the model does not change too much with the
brake system extended in comparison with the "normal"
ight speed. Otherwise, there is the risk, among other
things, that the model plunges when the brake system
is retracted, e. g. for the extension of a landing approach
which is too short.
If everything is correctly set so far, only the motor is
controlled with the C1 joystick in the "normal" fl ight
phase, whereas this should be switched off in the
ight phase "landing" (Servo 1 in "Servo display"
independently of "Throttle min front/rear" to -100% or
adequately for a servo travel setting deviating by 100
%, if necessary). In this fl ight phase the C1 joystick
then only controls the raising of the ailerons and, if
applicable, the lowering of the fl aps with the neutral
point in the C1 control position selected per offset.