User's Manual

Detail program description - Control adjust
C1 joystick switchable between E-motor and spoiler
Example 5
If, contrary to the assumptions of the preceding Example
4, the model has additional spoilers or only spoilers,
they can be incorporated into the control of the model by
means of the following programming.
For this purpose, program the menus "Model type",
"Phase setting" and "Phase assignment" in the same
manner as described under Example 4. The settings
described there in the "Brake settings" submenu of
the "Wing mixers" menu, on the other hand, are only
relevant if you would like to use an additional crow
system in parallel to your spoilers.
With the settings described under Example 4, the
control of the E-motor and, if applicable, that of a
crow system will function as usual. Only the control
of a spoiler connected to Output 8, for example, must
additionally be programmed. For this purpose, switch to
the menu …
"Control adjust" (page 96)
… and switch to the fl ight phase "normal". Now, using
the arrow keys, switch to the "Offset" column of the
line "Inp. 8". After activation of the value fi eld by briefl y
pressing the central
SET key of the right touch pad,
change the offset value in the now inverse value fi eld of
Input 8 until your spoilers are "retracted" again:
Input 5
Input 6
Input 7
Input 8
Confi rm this setting by briefl y pressing the central ESC
key of the left key pad or the central SET key of the right
touch pad and then switch to the center column to the
left. Now switch to the fl ight phase "Landing" and then
briefl y press the central
SET key of the right touch pad.
The display shows the window ...
Input 5
Eing. 6
Eing. 7
Input 8
Move desired switch
or control adj.
Now move the C1 joystick As soon as this is recognized,
"Ct1" appears in the display instead of "---":
Input 5
Input 6
Input 7
Input 8
Leave the offset value in this fl ight phase
to "0 %". If necessary, however, you may have to change
the leading symbol of the travel setting to re
verse the
control direction by switching the travel setting from
+100 % to -100 % in the "Travel" column.
Now we are practically fi nished. Check the programming
in the "Servo display" menu, which you can reach from
the base screen of the transmitter as well as nearly
every other menu position by simultaneously pressing
the keys ef of the left touch pad. You will discover that
"Servo 1" (motor control) is controlled in the "normal"
phase and in the "landing" phase only the spoiler is
controlled at "Servo 8" and, if applicable the aileron and
ap servos just as we intended.