Safety Notes

Once you have properly weighed yourself, the scale will cycle through the
measurements it has calculated for you.
For Best Results
Remember to place your scale on a hard, level surface. Step on the scale
with bare feet, evenly distributing your weight. Make sure that your bare
feet are making good contact with all four conductors.
Using this scale on carpet will not give accurate results.
Wearing socks during weighing will result in incorrect body composition
It is important to follow a routine. We recommend weighing daily around
the same time each day. Alternatively, you can weigh weekly. When
weighing weekly, we recommend weighing on the same day each week.
Weighing under the same conditions will help ensure accurate results.
Weight can vary due to dierent clothing selections, weighing at dierent
times of day, weighing before or after meals, etc. Following a routine will
help achieve accurate results.
Understand The Value Of Body Composition Results
Because every body is dierent, body composition readings are not exact
measurements. Instead, they are estimations based on the readings your
scale takes when you weigh yourself. While these numbers are estimates,
they are helpful for understanding trends and how your body is changing
over time. We recommend watching these trends rather than focusing on
an individual number.
Reading Your Results
BMI Body Fat Muscle Bone Water