Safety Notes

Body Fat %
Age Female Male
Low Normal Above
High Low Normal Above
20-29 <19 20-28 29-31 >31 <13 14-20 21-23 >23
30-39 <20 21-29 30-32 >32 <14 15-21 22-24 >24
40-49 <21 22-30 31-33 >33 <16 17-23 24-26 >26
50-59 <22 23-31 32-34 >34 <17 18-24 25-27 >27
60+ <23 24-32 33-35 >35 <18 19-25 26-28 >28
Water Weight %
Body Fat % Water %
4 - 14% 63 - 70%
15 - 21% 57 - 63%
22 - 24% 55 - 57%
25 and over 37 - 55%
4 - 20% 58 - 70%
21 - 29% 52 - 58%
30 - 32% 49 - 52%
33 and over 37 - 49%
Bone Mass %
Female Male
Weight <100 100-135 >135 <135 135-165 >165
Bone 3.9 4.1 4 4 4.4 4.2
Typical Results
Keep in mind that you know your body best. The following ranges of
Body Fat %, Water Weight %, BMI, Muscle Mass %, and Bone Mass % are
oered only as guides.
The best way to understand your body composition is to watch for
changes. For example, watch to see how your body fat is going up or
down over time.
BMI Weight Status
<18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25 - 29.9 Overweight
30+ Obese
Muscle Mass %
Female Approx. 30%
Male Approx. 40%