Use and Care Manual

Keypad Configuration
Allows further configuration of system to desired
application. Changes do not take affect until power is
cycled on the unit.
To enter Keypad
Cycle power to unit. Press and hold the Fan Speed
Button and the COOLER button for 5 continuous
seconds, within 30 seconds of the unit being powered
up. If the unit has had power for more than 30
continuous seconds, keypad configuration cannot be
entered. When keypad configuration mode is first
entered, it will default to Fahrenheit/ Celsius Display
To scroll through the Keypad
Press and release the Fan Speed button. The stored
value will be displayed.
To modi fy configuration
Press and release the Setpoint Up or Setpoint Down
To exit Keypad
Keypad Configuration will end on its own 30 seconds
after the last button press or when the MODE button
on the Keypad is pressed.
Fahrenheit/ Celsius Display Switch
Change between degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius on
the display. An “F” indicates Fahrenheit display and
‘C indicates Celsius. Default is degrees “F.
Indoor Air Temperature Sensor Biasing
Cooling mode:
Sometimes known as an anticipator, the air
temperature sensor bias is used to adjust the room air
temperature reading when in cooling mode. (Not
normally required.)
Indoor Air Temperature Sensor Biasing
Heating mode:
Sometimes known as an anticipator, the air
temperature sensor bias is used to adjust the room air
temperature reading when in heating mode. (Not
normally required.)
Indoor Temperature Display
Change between showing setpoint only on the display
during heating and cooling modes “SP or displaying
room temperature during heating and cooling modes
“AA”. “SP mode is the default mode.
If “SP is selected, only the setpoint will be
displayed during heating and cooling modes,
regardless of what the real temperature is in
the room.
If “AA” mode is selected, the room
temperature will be displayed during heating,
cooling and fan only modes.
If the mode button has been changed to
either heating or
cooling modes, setpoint
will be displayed for 10 seconds. After
the 10 seconds, the room temperature
will again be displayed.
If the on/off button is depressed (when
the unit is off) and the last mode was
either cooling or heating mode, the
setpoint will be displayed for 10 seconds
before displaying room temperature.
During heating and cooling modes, if
either the up or down setpoint key is
depressed, the display will show the
setpoint until 10 seconds after the last up
or down key press. Then the room
temperature will be displayed again.
Default biasing value is zero. The
range for biasing change is -6 deg F to +6 deg F (-3
deg C to +3 deg C)
Default biasing value is zero. The
range for biasing change is -6 deg F to +6 deg F (-3
deg C to +3 deg C)