User's Manual

Encryption Scheme
MPPE 40 bits: 40-bit encryption with MPPE
MPPE 128 bits: 128-bit encryption with MPPE
Auto: automatically selected
Idle Timeout Disconnect if the link is idle for the assigned seconds
AC Name The name of the access concentrator to connection to
Commit the changes ma de and save to WiMAX ou tdoor CPE,
after clicking the Save button user will get a message aski ng if
user want s t o reb oot the CPE. Reb oot is ne cessary for the
device to switch to a different profile.
Cancel Reset field to the last saved values
Table 4 Field definition for Network>WAN>WAN
2.2.2. DNS
In Figure 15, it demonstrates how to configure WAN DNS on CPE web page. The definition for
each field is shown on Table 5.
Figure 15 Network>WAN>DNS