User's Manual

3.5.2. VPN Setting
VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a network that is implemented in an additional software layer
on top of an existing larger network for the purpose of providing a secure extension of a private
network into an insecure network such as the Internet. The links between nodes of a VPN are
formed over logical connections or virtual circuits between hosts of the larger network.
VPNs are often installed by organizations to provide remote access to a secure organizational
network. G enerally, a V PN has a n etwork t opology more complex than a point-to -point
connection. VPNs are also used to mask the IP a ddress of individual comp uters withi n the
Internet in order, for instance, to surf the World Wide Web anonymously or to access location
restricted services, such as Internet television. Here, VPN Settings allow us er to set rules for
VPN, and it supports PPTP, L2TP, and IPsec.
3.6. PPTP
The Point-to-Point T unneling Protocol (PPTP) is a method for i mplementing virtual private
networks. PPTP does not provide c onfidentiality or encryptio n; it relies on the proto col being
tunneled to provide privacy.
3.6.1. PPTP Server
A PPTP Server (Point -To-Point T unneling Proto col) allows user t o con nect se curely from a
place (such as the hou se) to a LAN located in another location, such a s the office. This wa y
user can use the services provided in the office at the comfort of the house. The definition for
each field of PPTP Server is shown on Table 16.