User's Manual

Name Description
Authentication Mode The method used in authentication.
Data Encryption AES-CCM
Enable MS’ s cap ability of encryptin g/decrypting traf fic by
Data Encryption AES-CBC
Enable MS' s ca pability of encry pting/decrypting traf fic by
Key Encryption AES-key wrap Enable MS's capability of decrypting TEK by AES-Key wrap.
Key Encryption AES-ECB Enable MS's capability of decrypting TEK by AES-ECB.
EAP Supplicant
EAP Mode The EAP method used in authentication
Anonymous ID The identity encoded in EAP Identity Response message
Root CA Certificate The root CA's X.509 certificate.
Client CA Certificate The MS's X.509 certificate.
Private Key
The MS' s pri vate key file corre sponding to the publ ic key
enhanced in x.509 certificate
Private Key Password The key used to decrypt the MS’s private key file
Inner Mode The EAP-TTLS inner method
User name The user name used in EAP-TTLS inner method
Password The password used in EAP-TTLS inner method.
Auto Prepend Auth Mode
Enable the MS to automatically decorate “{am=i}” in the EAP
Identity Resp onse me ssage Th e valu e of "i" dep ends on
Authentication Mode field.
Random Outer ID
Enable MS t o gene rate 16-bytes random num ber as the
user name in the EAP Identity Response message.
Ignore Cert Verification
MS ski ps t o v erify t he BS's ce rtificate receiv ed in t he
EAP-TLS or EAP-TTLS procedure.
Same EAP Outer ID in ReAuth Use the same EAP outer ID when doing re-auth
MAC address in EAP-TLS
outer ID
Add MAC address in outer ID when EAP mode is EAP-TLS
Delete existed Device
Certificate file
Delete device certificate file which was uploaded in the field
“MTK-authorized Device Certificate”
Delete existed Private Key
Delete d evice private key which wa s uploaded in the field
“Device Private Key”