User's Manual

Connected Lighting
12. Tap Ye s. Your smart device then walks you through setting up each new light bulb.
13. Look for the light bulb that is dimming and fading. This is the light bulb you are currently
conguring on your smart device.
14. The setup wizard guides you through specifying a name light, assigning a room for the light, and
selecting an icon (or taking a picture of the light) to help identify the light.
Creating a Fixture
You can set up any grouping of light bulbs to operate as one multi-socket light xture. Typically you would use
this feature to set up an actual multi-socket light xture. However, you could also use it in cases where you
have multiple lights that you want to behave as a multi-socket light xture.
For example, you might have two separate desk lamps that you want to control together. You could create a
xture that includes both of them so that you can control them together as if they were part of one light xture.
Then you could perform tasks on that xture, such as turn it on or off, dim or brighten the lights, or create a
Smart Control that controls it.
To create a xture:
1. Tap the Settings menu at the bottom of the page
2. When the Settings page opens, tap Your Lights & Fixtures.
3. When the Lights & Fixtures page opens, tap Create New Fixture.
4. On the Fixture page:
a. Tap Choose Name to type a name for your new xture.
b. Tap Choose Room to select or create the room where your xture will be located.
c. Tap Choose Icon to select an icon to associate with the xture. You can select from any of
the following types of icons:
• Default Icons include standard light bulb icons that come with the application.
• Saved Images allows you to select a picture that exists on your smart device.
• Create New allows you to use your smart device’s camera to take a picture (usually
of the light or xture) to use as the icon.
d. Tap Select Additional Bulb to add each of the light bulbs you want to include in the xture.
e. When you nished setting the xture properties, tap Save.