Operator's Manual

Figure 28: Pen Test Swabbing Technique
4. With the INSERT SWAB Screen displayed, insert the Swab into the Sample Trap Holder.
5. Press the Proceed button . Once the Swab is correctly inserted into the Sample Trap Holder to
begin sample testing.
6. After a pen test the WARNING Screen should be displayed with Nitrate, Chlorate and Perchlorate detected
to verify the device is correctly identifying threats. A PDF report generated after running a pen test will reveal
the sample test alert was due to a pen test and not a real threat.
If the result of a pen test is a PASS, the User should follow the basic troubleshooting techniques detailed in the
troubleshooting section of this manual (refer to Section 10).
6.7 Homogeneous Versus Heterogeneous Samples
Users should ensure that samples are spread evenly over the collection area to ensure a homogenous sample (i.e.
spread over the area that will be eluted when tested) rather than heterogeneous (i.e. all in one spot).
When swabbing a surface use a wipe motion that spreads the analyte over the collection area, rather than a “press
and scrape” which tends to keep the analyte in one spot on the Swab.
Heterogeneous analytes can lead to inconsistent results.
When testing analytes in a laboratory, avoid “direct deposit on swab” testing. Instead, let the analyte dry onto a
substrate such as PTFE or glass, then swab the substrate.
6.8 Taking a Blank Sample
A blank sample is a verification test that can be conducted by the User to confirm that the device is not returning false
positive results. A properly functioning device should show the PASS Screen following a blank sample test
To run a blank sample:
1. While on the INSERT SWAB Screen, insert a blank Swab into the Sample Trap Holder.
2. Press the Proceed button once the Swab is correctly inserted into the Sample Trap Holder to
begin sample testing.
3. After a blank sample test the PASS Screen should be displayed verifying the device is not returning false