TP50-160/2 Shaft Seals Manual

Types of shaft seals
Shaft seals
Comparing seal types
The comparison is based on a seal design for maximum
16 bar without considering seal face and secondary
seal materials, as they have been dealt with separately.
The asterisks indicate degree of suitability with respect
to the parameters stated, five asterisks being the opti-
mum suitability.
Comparison parameters Type A Type B Type C Type E Type G Type H Type K Type R
Anti-freeze liquid        
Precipitation        
Above +100°C      
Assembly time        
Robustness against assembly faults        
Start/stop        
High pressure     
Breakdown of rubber parts        
Seal driver strength (cementing)        
Long life        
Dry running with tungsten carbide/
tungsten carbide material combina-
      
Robustness against rough handling        