User manual

Info/Index function
Additionally you can include specific information* and index mar-
kings for the typist to specified dictation parts.
The info/index function is only available in Menu Mode during
recording and play-back.
An audible signal is generated during play-back of the infos and
indices. The infos and indices are transfered to the PC together
with the dictation.
Delete dictation
x Move the slide switch to the “e position.
x Press the Delete” button.
A list featuring all elements which you can delete appears
(dictation, index or info, dictation part, folder).
The deletable elements list is only
available in the Menu Mode.
x Control if Delete dictation” has been selected and confirm
it by pressing the OK” button.
A security question promt appears, to prevent deleting dicta-
tion parts by mistake.
x Confirm the question by pressing the OK” button to delete
the entire dictation.
x Press the Escape” button in case you do not want to dele-
te the dictation.
Menu Mode
Deletable elements