Operation Manual

High Frequency Integrated RFID Reader Operation Manual Guangdong Sygole Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd
Fig. 3.14 Demonstration of Installation of Multiple Readers in Metal Framework
Fig. 3.15 Demonstration of Insertion of Non-metal between Reader and Metal Framework
3.3.3 Notice for tag installation
Tag includes two types ---- anti-metal tag and non-anti-metal tag. It is suggested to install
non-anti-metal tag in a non-metallic environment; if a tag is inevitably installed in a metallic
environment, please follow the regulations listed below:
Installation on metal surface ---- non-anti-metal tag should be reserved with a buffer area while
anti-metal tag can be directly installed on metal surface.
Buffer area ---- it refers to the distance from the tag to the metal surface.
1. When a non-anti-metal tag is installed on metal surface and the buffer area is more than or equal
to 20 mm, the performance of the tag may be reserved by more than 80%;
2. When an anti-metal tag is directly installed on metal surface, the original performance thereof
can be also reserved by more than 90%.
Tag installation into metal ---- it is not suggested to embed a non-anti-metal tag into metal, and
anti-metal tag can be directly embedded into metal.
Free area ---- it refers to the metal blank area around the tag which is embedded into the metal.
1. When an anti-metal tag is embedded into metal installation surface and is not reserved with a
free area, the performance of the tag can be still reserved by more than 90%;
2. When a non-anti-metal tag is embedded into metal installation surface, a free area with size of
a≥2X, b≥2y and c≥20 mm must be reserved in order to reserve more than 80% of the original
performance of the tag.