Instruction Manual

Weight BMI Body fat rate Fat-free body weight
Subcutaneous fat Visceral fat Body water Skeletal muscle rate
Muscle mass Bone mass Protein BMR
Body age Height record (<16 years old)
Low battery
An error has accorded during measurement. Step off the scales and step
onto it again to repeat the measuring process.
DO NOT use with medical implants such as pacemakers.
DO NOT stand on the edge of the scale or jump on it;
DO NOT overload the scale(Max.180kg)
DO NOT drop scale or droop an objects on it as this may damage the sensors.
DO NOT immerse the scale in water or use chemical cleaning agents. Clean the scale
with slightly damp cloth.
Not recommended for pregnant women.
Not recommended for infants, toddlers, and children under 10 years of age.
Any obtained measurement results from this device are for reference only and should
not be considered as a medical opinion.
Consult your primary care doctor or physician before making changes to your diet,
exercise plan or physical activities.
Always place the scale on a hard, dry and flat surface before measurement.
Make sure your feet are dry before stepping on the scale.
LED display:62x26mm