User's Manual

This product manual contains important content that must be understood for the safe
and correct use of this product, and is a part of this product. Therefore, during the entire
service life of this product, the instruction manual must be placed at the operating location
of the equipment at any time for reference.
This product must be operated by personnel who have received relevant training and
have relevant knowledge and experience. All personnel must read this manual carefully
before using this product. This instruction manual should be forwarded to the subsequent
owners or users of this product.
This manual contains copyright information, and Guangzhou Homesun Medical
Technology Co., Ltd reserves all rights. Without the prior written approval of Guangzhou
Homesun Medical Technology Co., Ltd copying or translating this manual into any
language is not allowed. Guangzhou Homesun Medical Technology Co., Ltd reserves the
right to modify the information included in this document without Caution.
This product is safe and reliable to use, except for the dangers caused by special
factors, such as: caused by non-professional operations or used for other purposes.
Therefore, please observe the following rules when using them to avoid accidents.
This product must be instructed or authorized to operate.
Equipment maintenance must be performed by Guangzhou Homesun Medical
Technology Co., Ltd technicians or skilled users and authorized operations.
If you have any operational problems that are not mentioned, please contact
Guangzhou Homesun Medical Technology Co., Ltd in time.