User's Manual

Figure 5 main interface
1) FVC mode. Click the FVC button to perform FVC detection.
2) SVC mode. Click the SVC button to perform SVC detection.
3) MVV mode. Click the MVV button to perform MVV detection.
4) Bronchial Diastolic Test. Click the POST Bd button to perform a pulmonary
function test before and after diastolic medication.
5) Calibration. Click the "Calibration" button to calibrate the device.
6) Patient management. Click "Patient management" to see a list of historical patients.
7) Report. Click "Report list" to view a list of reports generated in history.
8) Settings. Click "Settings" to make system related settings.
6.3 Calibration
6.3.1 Calibration tool
3L calibration pump.
The 3L calibration pump is purchased by the user, and its requirements are 3L±0.5% .