User's Manual

Thanks for choosing the K9 electric go karts,enjoy your K9 from now on
1 .Welcome
Thanks for choosing the K9 electric go karts here in after referred to as the K9
Before you use the K9 ,please read carefully the safe operation guide and operation method related to K9 in this
manual . If you do not read the manual before driving ,we will not be responsible for the loss caused by improper
To reduce the risk of injury, adult supervision is required. Never use in roadways, near motor vehicles, on
near steep inclines or steps, swimming pools or other bodies of water; always wear shoes, and never allow
more than one rider.
Always fasten seat belt, wear a helmet with long hair tucked inside and wear protective gear. Loose
or hair can become stuck in wheels or block your vision. Wear appropriate closed toed, secure footwear.
loose clothing.
Do not drive in rain or snow. When not in use, park the K9 indoors to avoid water entering and damaging
the vehicle.
Comply with all local laws and regulations.
Risk of death or serious injury from collisions and falls. To reduce the risk of injury user and/or adult must
read and follow the user manual