Product Brochure

What is the difference between Pressure, Flow, and Thrust?
Pressure is the measure of potential energy stored within compressed air. Pressure is measured in pounds per square inch (psi). In general, most
industrial compressed air systems operate at pressures between 80 and 120 psi. The electrical equivalent of pressure is voltage.
Flow is the volume of compressed air traveling through an air gun during a given period of time. Flow is measured in cubic feet per minute (cfm). In
general, the higher the flow, an increased capacity (larger diameter) air line, and an increased capacity (larger horsepower) air compressor will be
required. The electrical equivalent of flow is amperage.
Thrust is the effective force produced by an air gun and is generated from the combination of air pressure and air flow. Thrust is measured in
pounds (lbs) and the higher the thrust, the more cleaning force is available. Ideally, thrust of say 10 pounds is capable of moving up to a 10 pound
object. The electrical equivalent of thrust is wattage.
What is the recommended operating air pressure for Guardair safety air guns?
Most in-plant air compressors operate at pressures between 80 and 120 psi. This is the range we recommend for all Guardair safety air guns.
What is the maximum plant air pressure I can use and still be OSHA compliant?
Guardair does not recommend operating our air guns at pressures over 120 psi. Although the structural integrity of Guardair safety air guns have
been tested and proven well above 120 psi, they have been designed to operate most efficiently and to meet the OSHA standard regarding output
pressure at air pressures between 80 and 120 psi. Consequently, Guardair cannot certify that our air guns meet this OSHA standard at pressures
in excess of 120 psi.
What size air line do I need to run my Guardair safety air gun?
In general, Guardair safety air guns featuring a 1/4” NPT inlets require 1/4” ID or larger air lines. Air guns with a
” NPT inlets require
” ID or
larger air line. Air guns with a ¾” NPT inlet require ¾” ID or larger air line. To ensure rated thrust, air lines can always be sized larger than required,
but not smaller.
What about connectors and fittings?
Be sure that fittings and/or connectors do not restrict the air flow in any manner. Use fittings that are rated the same size, or larger, for a given air
line size. We recommended use of Guardair High Flow connectors.
What size (capacity) air compressor do I need to operate my Guardair safety air gun?
A good rule of thumb states that air compressors generate approximately 4.5 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of compressed air per horsepower (HP)
on a continuous basis. To size a compressor (HP), divide the air requirement (cfm) by 4.5. Refer to the specification on your compressor for more