User Manual

Guardian Field Support Manual
Black Box
Guardian Gen 2 has an inbuilt function to record all footage for a set period.
This is known as the Black Box Recorder which is like a Flight Information
Recorder - “Black Box”.
Certified Technician
A Certified Technician is a person who has completed the Seeing
Machines training program and has been assessed in the installation and
maintenance of a system in a vehicle. A Certified Technician can complete
installations and conduct maintenance tasks on Guardian.
Configuration File
The configuration (config) file contains all the details required for the System
to function as per the client’s requirements
A Field of View (FOV) event is an event where the driver has not been
tracked by the Guardian System for a configurable duration of time whilst
travelling at or above the configured speed limit. You may be asked to
rectify FOV’s by a client or in response to a support ticket.
The removal of all electrical energy to the vehicles, providing a safe
environment for workers
Isolation could be achieved by, but is not limited to:
Switching the main power supply isolation switch to the off position
(where provided)
Removing the Positive wire from the battery
A Non-Standard Install may be conducted by using non-permanent
measures – Velcro, cable-ties, double-sided tape or magnets. Drilling and
cutting are normally not allowed during a non-standard install.
May also be referred to as a ‘soft’ install.
The person in control of the vehicle. Can also be called the Driver.
The angle in degrees, of the In-Cab Sensor (ICS) position up and down.
Value range between 10 to 30 degrees.
(usually mounted on the dashboard is 10 degrees)
Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) is the SM mechanism to
investigate a warranty claim.
Soft Install
See ‘Non-Standard Install’.