User Manual

The following instructions will allow you to install the Guardian Generation 2.
Some general considerations for installs are as follows:
1. You should make sure that you are comfortable with where the cables will run. It is
recommended that you conduct a ‘mock’ cable run to ensure that there is enough
slack to easily access the Controller. This is to allow for removal when conducting
maintenance or troubleshooting tasks.
2. SM does not recommend removing any of the connector housings except for the
FFC and ICS Fakra connections at the Controller. Removing any other housing
could damage the connector/pins.
For instruction on how to remove the system and cables, see Section 3 Part 8.
5.1 AIRBAG Safety
Prior to installing the system, you must be familiar with the location of, and deployment
direction of any fitted airbags. You must not install any components in a way that would
interfere with the operation or deployment of airbags.
To ensure that you do not place cables in the way of airbag operation, SM recommends that
you run cables together with OEM cables.
You should also use a Flush Cutter when cutting excess zip ties off, as this helps to reduce
damage to other components from sharp plastic edges.