Safety Guide

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3.3 Directions for the External Antenna
Use the provided antenna.
Tighten connectors correctly to ensure good contact and sealing. No tools necessary
fingertight fastening is adequate.
The antenna has a magnetic foot for easy application to ferrous surfaces, place the antenna
as high as possible to ensure good radio connection with the data collector.
Not using an antenna (not connecting anything to the TNC connector) may
potentially damage the equipment when this is powered.
The HISCAN hydrophone has to be used only with the antenna (GT-ANT01)
provided with the device. In case that the user chooses a different antenna, the
user will be responsible for its suitability to the safety of the equipment and the
compliance with local and national radio regulations.
3.4 Directions for the Power Supply
The power supply for HISCAN is the provided HISCAN battery box HSB10.
The HISCAN Hydrophone has to be powered from the HISCAN battery box
(HSB10), using a battery according the specifications. In case that the user
chooses to use a different power supply, the user will be responsible for fulfilling
local and national requirements both radioelectric and safety regulations.
3.4.1 Installation
To install the battery box, connect the battery box to the hydrophone with the provided power
cable. Tighten connectors correctly to ensure good contact and sealing. No tools necessary
finger-tight fastening is adequate.
The HISCAN battery box (HSB10) is intended to be used with a lithium primary
cell. Both the battery box (HSB10) or a primary cell are not intended to be charged.
Both the battery box or the primary cell must never be subjected to any external
power supply - this may lead to explosion or fire and harm to people or places.
In case that the battery is connected reversed, there is no danger to the equipment,
but the hydrophone will not be powered.
Initially the box comes with installed battery. No service or opening of the box is