Use Instructions

ELST026-AUM001-V0.6.2 Page 21 of 68
right: the option pane
contains the battery level and shows if the device is connected to the supply mains. This
information is kept visible at the top of the option pane.
contains supporting buttons related to the choice made on the left side in the menu
pane. in this example all related to the µA choice;
press the desired button to make the selection; scroll vertically for more choices
the selected button is indicated in full white-colour with a pointer.
middle: the central pane
the central pane shows the requested information, and is the outcome of selections
previously made in the left and right panel;
in some cases this central pane can contain multiple pages you can navigate through
(see for example § 4.6)
For example in a treatment parameter screen the central pane shows a therapy
output window (a dark blue coloured field) containing the effective treatment time
together with the automatically recorded administered electrical charge.
Different status of keys and buttons
Keys and buttons can behave in different modes
enabled modes: keys or buttons can be selected
disabled modes: keys or buttons are momentary not selectable
they have a high gradient transparency in the colour
selected modes: you have already selected these keys or buttons