Use Instructions

ELST026-AUM001-V0.6.2 Page 26 of 68 Close and possibly save the performed treatment application
Only when this finished treatment session is linked to a selected patient from the patient database
it can be saved to the selected patient. The patient identity is visible in the left upper corner.
See §4.6 for the behavior of the patient database.
Procedure if a patient is selected:
Once the treatment is finished or stopped is it
possible to store the applied therapy under the
selected patient.
Press the close button in the option pane
The following message box appears
Yes: applied treatment is saved behind the selected patient
No: the performed treatment session closes and actual
parameter screen gets updated with the new kept defaults
Cancel: Pop up question box disappears. Actual parameter
screen is kept unchanged
Be aware that the link to the selected patient is lost from
the moment that Yes or No is selected.
Procedure if no patient is selected:
Once the treatment is finished or stopped press the
close button in the option pane
The performed treatment session closes and actual
parameter screen gets updated with the new kept
defaults Continue the treatment session with a next sequence
In many cases ends the treatment session with Dry needlingto release pathologic related
By a selection on the next sequence button the software knows that the next application
choice (e.g. ) will become a subpart of the whole treatment session.
In this case becomes a possible pop-up question box to save a sequential treatment session
postponed to a later moment.