Use Instructions

General Information
Professional qualification
The Instructions for Use do not include descriptions or instructions for surgical
procedures/techniques. It is not suitable for training physicians in the use of sur-
gical techniques. Medical peripherals and devices may be used only by physi-
cians or medical assistants with the appropriate technical/medical qualifications
working under the direction and supervision of a physician.
Functional test
The functional test must be performed prior to each surgery.
Do not use this system if a defect is suspected or detected during the function
check. This also applies to obvious defects, especially defects and damage to the
power plug and power cord.
Device defect
If a device defect is suspected or confirmed, do not use it. Make sure the device
can no longer be used until a qualified service technician conducts the appropri-
ate tests and repairs.
Sterile mediums and accessories
Always work exclusively with sterile substances and mediums, sterile fluids, and
sterile accessories if so indicated.
Replacing fuse
Replace the fuse only with a fuse of the same type and rating.
Maintenance and calibration
Do not open the device. The device may not be opened or calibrated by the user.
Only authorized service technicians are permitted to repair, calibrate, or modify
the device or its equipment.