Use Instructions

General Information
3.4 Indication-Specific Warnings
3.4.1 General Hysteroscopy Warnings
When performing monopolar electrosurgery, the distension medium must be
electrically non-conductive. Examples include glycine, sorbitol and mannitol.
Isotonic saline irrigation fluids may only be used when performing bipolar elec-
trosurgical resective procedures.
Fluid Overload
There is a risk of irrigation fluid reaching the circulatory system of the patient's
soft tissue. This can be affected by distention pressure, flow rate, perforation of
the distended body cavity and duration of the endoscopic surgery. It is critical to
closely monitor the input and outflow of the distending liquid at all times.
Hypothermia (monitoring body temperature)
The continuous flow of the distension liquid may lower the body temperature of
the patient. Lower body temperatures can cause coronary and cardiovascular
problems. Always monitor the patient's body temperature during the entire sur-
gical procedure. Make especially sure that the following, hypothermia promot-
ing, operation conditions are avoided as best as possible:
longer operating times
use of cold irrigation fluid.
Air Embolisms
An air embolism can be the result of air contained in the tube set or connected
instrument reaching the patient. Make sure that there is always fluid in the bag
to prevent air from being aspirated into the patient.
When using the scale, follow the operating instructions in this manual.
The deficit and inflow values are lost in case of a power loss or "brownout".
Intrauterine distention is usually possible with pressure values between 35 to
70 mmHg. A pressure above 75 to 80 mmHg is required only in rare cases or if the
patient has an excessively high blood pressure.
Fluid intake and output surveillance
Strict fluid intake and output surveillance should be maintained. If a low viscos-
ity fluid distention medium is used, intrauterine instillation exceeding 2 liters