Use Instructions

Using the Hysteroscopy Indication
9.4 Surgical Mode
The deficit volume is displayed if a scale is
In surgical mode, the volume display of the device depicts the amount of fluid re-
maining in the patient during surgery and is not collected. To determine this val-
ue, the fluid irrigation consumption and the volume of the collected irrigation
fluid are measured. The difference between both values yield the fluid volume re-
maining in the patient or lost during surgery. This differential (deficit) volume is
depicted on the screen: see deficit display (6) in Fig. 9-1 Indication screen.
Try to collect all the fluid that runs out of the cavum uteri during the procedure
in order to achieve the most exact balancing possible.
9.4.1 Max. flow Range Display (max. flow)
Max. flow range display (max. flow) In surgical mode, the inflow volume is displayed below the deficit volume. Use
the Shift key (7) (Fig. 9-1) to toggle between the inflow volume and max. flow
rate range (max. flow) display.
9.5 Automatic Instrument Recognition
Improved pressure measuring due to the in-
strument detection function
The device features the automatic instrument detection function when using the
[HYSTEROSCOPY]. The automatic instrument detection function runs in the back
after each start of the irrigation process and serves to compensate pressure loss-
es due to the flow through the narrow working channel. The pressure drop at the
instrument is here included in the measured value of the actual pressure.
The indication menu has an option to enable or disable the instrument recogni-
tion function (chapter 9.14.4).