Use Instructions

10.2.4 Device Info
In the General menu, press the [Device Info] function field. The serial and soft-
ware version are displayed.
10.2.5 Demo
In the General menu, press the [Demo] function field.
The Demo mode serves to demonstrate the pump functionality. The functionality
of the irrigation stops after 2 minutes and is blocked for another 30 seconds. If
the pump is stopped before the 2 minutes have expired, you have to wait 30 sec-
onds before restarting.
Tubes are not devalued during operation in demo mode.
10.2.6 Factory settings
In the General menu, press the [Factory Settings] function field.
You can now do the following:
1. Press the [OK] symbol to reset all general and all indication-specific device pa-
rameters, or
2. Press the symbol to return to the previous menu level without saving.
10.2.7 Service
Opening the service menu The Service menu is password protected and access is only intended for trained
service technicians.
The following functions are available in the Service menu:
Sensor calibration
Motor calibration
Touchscreen calibration
Please consult the service manual for additional information.