Use Instructions

Care and Maintenance
13.5 Cleaning the accessories
1. Switch device off.
2. Disconnect device from power supply.
The concentration of the used disinfectant depends on the information provided
by the manufacturer of the disinfectant. Wipe the surface of the device with a
soft cloth moistened with the disinfectant. Make sure moisture does not enter
the device.
The manufacturer recommends Meliseptol® rapid as disinfectant.
Cleaning the fluid monitoring unit
Do not sterilize the fluid monitoring unit.
13.6 Care of the Reusable Tube Set
The device can be used with a reusable tube set that is listed as an accessory (see
chapter 19 Accessory List) Please comply with the following information when
using a reusable tube set.
13.6.1 Cleaning the Reusable Tube Set
The reusable tube set is made of silicone, polysulfone (PSU), and stainless steel.
For cleaning and disinfection, use only pH-neutral or slightly alkaline cleaning
agents (e.g. neodisher MediClean 2.0 %), disinfectants (e.g. Lysetol V 8 %), and
drying and rinsing agents approved for the tube set materials.
Using unsuitable agents (e.g. neodisher MediKlar rinsing agent) may damage
the tube system and especially the PSU connectors.
Reprocessing restrictions The manufacturer has tested and approved the reusable tube set for a specific
number of reprocessing cycles. Always comply with the instructions on the label.
Never exceed the number of uses indicated by the manufacturer.
Fig. 13-1 Open the fuse holder