User Manual

Vehicle Search
Search vehicle snapshots based on vehicle control events.
1. Click VCA > VCA Search > Vehicle.
2. Select the camera, set the time range, license plate number, vehicle
color, and plate number.
3. Click Search.
Double click to zoom in on the snapshot.
Behavior Search
Use behavior search to search for recordings triggered by detected
behaviors including cross line and intrusion.
1. Click VCA > VCA Search > Behavior.
2. Select camera(s), set a search period, select a search type, and then
click Search. Search results are displayed.
3. View search results in a chart or table. Back up search results
(including images and recordings) as needed. To view videos
recorded when the behavior was detected (around 10 seconds
before and after), click the play button.
People Counting
Use people counting to count people entering and/or leaving an area
during a specified period (day, week or year).
1. Click VCA > VCA Search > Counting.