User's Manual

If the RESET button is pressed for longer than 4 sec. A total RESET takes place.
This resets all the configuration data (basic settings) and cancels all data
(including user data).
Release the RESET button when the red LED has stopped flashing.
Single RESET (short RESET):
If the RESET button is pressed for longer than 1 sec. But less than 4 sec. a
single RESET takes place. This resets only the project code.
Release the RESET button while the red LED is flashing.
Processor RESET:
If the RESET button is pressed for less than 1 sec. a processor RESET takes
place. This is the equivalent of switching the supply voltage off and on again.
No data is cancelled or reset.
Release the RESET button before the red LED flashes.
I have lost a user key and wish to cancel it.
How do I do this?
If one user key gets lost and you wish to cancel its access rights, you must
cancel all the user keys at the reader unit. Following this, the access
rights of all remaining user keys have to be re-assigned. See under:
“Withdrawing access rights of all user keys”.
I have lost a programming key and wish to cancel it.
How do I do this?
Programming ADD and DELETE keys are taught only once at the first
start up. There is only one of each. Programming ADD and DELETE
keys can be cancelled by resetting the wall terminal. See “RESET”.