
Modus 600RT 19
2. Set the ash exposure
compensation amount.
Turn the Select Dial to
set the amount.
“0.3”means 1/3 step,
“0.7”means 2/3 step.
To cancel the
ash exposure
compensation, set the
amount to “+0”.
3. Press < SET > button
again to conrm the
High-Speed Sync
High Speed Sync FB (HSS) enables the ash to
synchronize with all camera shutter speeds. This is
convenient when you want to use aperture priority for ll-
ash portraits. Use the <
> ash setting on the camera
menu to adjust the setting of the ash light. Choose Auto
FB (HSS) on the <
> setting which activates the
high-speed sync function.
1. The icon <
> will be
displayed. If camera
(Auto FP) is enabled.
HSS is now turned on
Choose < FP > on the <
> setting will activate the
high speed sync function.
With high-speed sync, the faster the shutter speed, the
shorter the effective range
To return to normal ash, set the camera ash sync speed
to other option other than Auto FP. Then the icon < > will
no longer be shown
MULTI mode cannot be set in high-speed sync mode
Over-temperature protection may be activated after 15
consecutive high-speed ashes