User's Manual

Note: when it is turned on, phonebook cannot be used because it is initialization, so please
wait for a moment.
Classification of phonebook
Phonebook is classified into class: phonebook on SIM card (capacity depends on SIM
card) and phonebook on phone (support 500 name card records). The record of two
phonebooks is mixed together but operation of them is different. Right of call record on SIM
card is an icon like SIM card. Right of phonebook on phone is the default type icon.
z Phonebook on SIM card
Every record in SIM includes a name and a number.
z Phonebook on phone (smart phonebook)
Every record in smart phonebook is called ‘Name card’. A name card can include
following information:
Name (40 bytes at most)
Number (a name card can include five numbers at most, type can be repeated.
Maximal length of every number is 21 bytes, where if number length is 21
bytes, first byte must be kept as ‘+’, the other 20 bytes can be “0-9”“*”“#”
Default number type (If record of SIM card is copied or moved to phone,
number will be placed in this area)
Office number
Home number
Fax number
Pager number
E-mail (50 bytes at most)
Notes (50 bytes at most)
Post Address (50 bytes at most)
Post code (10 bytes at most)
Every name card (when user creates it) should include name (not null), and must include
a piece of other information at least.
In phonebook of phone, you can group name card. Groups have Default, Family, Friend,
Colleague, Society and private (you can modify the name of group and corresponding group